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Jennifer Raskas was the Director of Washington, DC at the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America where she also served as Co-Director, with Imam Abdullah Antepli and Yossi Klein Halevi, of the Institute’s Muslim Leadership Initiative. She also directed the Institute’s Seminar and Writer’s Workshop for Journalists as well as the publishing of the Institute’s North American Hitkansut Haggadah L’Yom HaShoah.

Jennifer Raskas


Sep 25, 2022

Jennifer Raskas, Yosefa (Fogel) Wruble

Jennifer Raskas illustrates how Moshe’s final series of actions as leader integrate effective strategies of public activism.

May 9, 2022

An experiential gathering of Holocaust remembrance that weaves together poetry, prayer, song, survivor testimonies, and audience participation.

Mar 19, 2021

What could be more sacred than the Tabernacle, where the Divine Presence rests? Maybe the interpersonal relationships we imbue with that very holiness.

Dec 13, 2020

Usually we light Hanukkah candles as long as people are out and about. But this year, with people isolated at home, we needed a new way to share our light with others,

Oct 22, 2020

How could it be that speaking the same language would more likely lead to sin than speaking multiple languages?

Jul 30, 2020

Our present experience of quarantine and isolation can help us connect with the timeless sorrow for a destroyed Jerusalem.

May 27, 2020

Jennifer Raskas shares a number of different approaches and insights to the Book of Ruth.

Mar 10, 2020

Through writing, Esther takes ownership of her story and the story of Purim that the Jewish people will tell for generations to come

Dec 13, 2019

How Esau's twin lost his wrestling match with the angel, and redeemed a lifetime of deception (Vayishlach)

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The End of Policy Substance in Israel Politics