/ Hitkansut

Hitkansut: Ritual Gathering for Yom HaShoah

An experiential gathering of Holocaust remembrance that weaves together poetry, prayer, song, survivor testimonies, and audience participation.
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Michal Govrin is the Content Developer for the Yom HaShoah Hitkansut and research fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. She is also a writer and a Professor at Tel Aviv University. At The Van Leer Institute, she founded an inter-disciplinary research group that created the Hitkansut L’Yom HaShoah. Michal is a graduate of Tel Aviv University and has a doctorate in contemporary sacred theater from the University of Paris. She has published twelve

Rachel Jacoby Rosenfield

Jennifer Raskas

Justin Pines

Nina Kretzmer Seed

Dara Horn

Avram Mlotek

Nicole Lieberman


Seder Hitkansut is an experiential and participatory commemoration that honors those persecuted in the Shoah. Originally created for Israeli audiences and newly reimagined for North American Jews, the ceremony guides us on a journey from kinah to kimah, from sitting in grief to rising up to demand human dignity.   

The Hitkansut Haggadah, like the Passover Haggadah, leads us on a path that instills the responsibility to remember and the resolve to remember responsibly.  The evening wove together newly developed and translated literary texts, testimonies, discussions, prayer, music, and moments of silence that invited all who participated to contribute their own voices. 

This program took place on Wednesday, April 27, 2022 and was part of Jewish Memory and this Moral Moment, a conference and commemoration on Yom HaShoah 5782.

Watch more videos from this conference.

In appreciation to the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (Claims Conference) for supporting this educational program.

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