/ Torah of Possibility for an Uncertain Future

Torah of Possibility for an Uncertain Future

One State, Two State: The Bi-National Dilemma in Israel/Palestine

Two-part elective exploring the history of the bi-national state and why it remains relevant today.
©Jonathan Stutz/stock.adobe.com
©Jonathan Stutz/stock.adobe.com
Dr. Rachel Fish is a former faculty member of the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America and a celebrated academic with 20 years of experience in the fields of Israeli history, Zionist thought, and Middle Eastern Studies. Recognized for her teaching prowess and pedagogical approaches, she has published extensively and is frequently called upon to advise on community interventions to reclaim an Israel discourse that is nuanced and complex while remaining accessible to a broad

One State, Two State: The Bi-National Dilemma in Israel/Palestine

Session 1

Session 2

In these two sessions, Rachel Fish explores the history of the bi-national state – one state for two peoples – and why it remains relevant today.

Throughout the history of Zionism a variety of articulations were formulated about the construction of a future state; within the range of possibilities, a bi-national framework was believed to be a viable option. Advocates for a bi-national state transformed over time, from Jews to Arabs, as power dynamics changed in the territory of Mandatory Palestine and later the State of Israel. The desire to develop a bi-national state was no longer predicated upon ideological positions for coexistence but rather the push for ‘a state of all of its citizens.’

NOTE: This program was part of our Summer 2021 Virtual Symposium,  Torah of Possibility for an Uncertain Future

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