/ Truth Difference and Loyalty

Imagining Islam: Territory, Transnationalism, and Interfaith Solidarities

Interfaith encounter with contemporary Islam must acknowledge the profound transformations Muslim communities are presently undergoing
Haroon Moghul was a member of the inaugural cohort of the Muslim Leadership Initiative (MLI ) and a Fellow in Jewish-Muslim Relations at the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America, where he also served as a faculty member. Haroon is the author of three books, including How to be a Muslim: An American Story, which the Washington Post called “an extraordinary gift,” and “an authentic portrayal of a vastly misunderstood community.” He’s been published widely,

Interfaith encounter with contemporary Islam must acknowledge the profound transformations Muslim communities are presently undergoing. In this session Haroon Moghul examines among the most significant of these, the decline of longstanding concepts of Muslim peoplehood, and will thereafter explore, through Islamic texts and contexts, what alternative forms of Muslim peoplehood might be on the horizon. He concludes by closely considering the implications of these developments for realizing robust interfaith relationships.

This program was recorded during our interfaith symposium on Truth, Difference and Loyalty in February 2021.

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