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A Christian’s Love and Fear for Israel

The country has been a light for me, but I fear this coalition will narrow Israel’s vision of itself to a parochial ghetto.
©Alexey Stiop/
©Alexey Stiop/
Reverend Peter A. Pettit, Ph.D. is a Lutheran minister (ELCA) and teaching pastor at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Davenport, Iowa. He is a former Research Fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute where he was a co-director of the Institute’s Theology Conference since its inception in 1984 and co-director of the New Paths: Christians Engaging Israel project, which produced the Images of Israel Video Lecture Series. He has held research fellowships at the Hebrew University,

“For nearly four decades as a Lutheran minister, I have been committed to overcoming the anti-Judaism that is endemic to my religious heritage. I have devoted a good deal of my life and professional work to understanding Israel and helping other Christians to do the same. As a people and a state, Israel bears a significance that extends beyond its own interests.”

Read the complete op-ed on Times of Israel

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The End of Policy Substance in Israel Politics