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Judaism in the Public Square: Civics and Religion in America

Tamara Mann Tweel and Ronit Stahl discuss Jewish self-expression in the American public square and the role civics education plays in faith-based communities.
Tamara Mann Tweel, Ronit Stahl
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Dr. Tamara Mann Tweel is a Fellow of the Kogod Research Center at Shalom Hartman Institute of North America. She has spent her career educating students, faith leaders, and professionals on the history and value of American civil society and civic leadership. Tamara received her Ph.D. in history from Columbia University and a master’s degree in theological studies from the Harvard Divinity School. She currently serves as the Senior Program Director for Civic Initiatives at

Ronit Stahl

What does Jewish self-expression mean in the American public square? What are our rights and obligations? What role can civics education play in faith-based communities?

Religion has dominated recent political debates about what counts as an essential service, who should serve on the Supreme Court, and when faith and civil rights come in conflict. Religion has also been on display at recent political events, including the presidential inauguration. As a religious minority, Jews have played a role in ensuring separation between church and state, and have also advocated for the freedom for public expression of religion.

Ronit Stahl and Tamara Mann Tweel, two leading thinkers on the topic of religion and civics, discuss the past, present, and future of what it means to be a civically-minded Jew in America.

Program was presented in partnership with

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