/ Be’eri

Be’eri School for Teacher Education

The quality of teaching is the cornerstone of any educational program. Outstanding, dedicated teachers have an impact far beyond their classroom, influencing the very culture of their schools.

The Be’eri School for Teacher Education aims to:

  • Impart in-depth Tarbut Yisrael knowledge to educators through interdisciplinary methodologies.
  • Develop a pluralistic and democratic Jewish- Israeli identity discourse among Tarbut Yisrael educators.
  • Provide pedagogic tools for Tarbut Yisrael instruction.
  • Inspire teaching faculties in schools to promote agendas that focus on Jewish culture.

Be’eri has built the best and largest Tarbut Yisrael educator training program in Israel, instructing more than 100 educators annually through intensive programs in Tel Aviv and Karmiel. Hundreds more participate in shorter seminars.

This wide geographic reach, significant number of teachers trained annually, and quality, depth, and intensity of studies are key differentiators that have made the Be’eri School for Teacher Education one of the leading programs working to strengthen pluralistic Jewish culture among secular Israeli youth.

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The End of Policy Substance in Israel Politics