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American Judaism’s ‘Golden Age’ Isn’t Over Yet

"We have been involved in the creation of a remarkable Judaism, one that will remain a major contribution to the history of our people," said Yehuda Kurtzer at Berkeley.
Photo Courtesy Laura Turbow
Photo Courtesy Laura Turbow

Yehuda Kurtzer thinks constantly and creatively about American Judaism…and on April 3, the prolific speaker and former Brandeis University professor appeared at UC Berkeley to deliver “Our Golden Age: American Judaism, in Transition,” a lecture sponsored by the Helen Diller Institute of Jewish Law and Israel Studies.

His message, unlike that of some, is optimistic — not in the sense that all is well, but in an eyes-wide-open approach that recognizes the “magnificence” of the community that American Jews have created, while pledging to keep working toward the promise of this country. He told a packed room of some 250 people that Jews could only have flourished in a post-World War II America that was committed to the liberal values of self-actualization, human equality and constant striving for the betterment of society — values that, symbiotically, Judaism helped inject into the American mainstream.”

Read the full article in the JWeekly of Northern California.

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