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The Inevitability of Dissent: A Rabbinic Case Study

The Torah recognizes the existence of the conscientious objector, and the Rabbis note the significance ofan injunction not to become fractious
Dr. Elana Stein Hain is the Rosh Beit Midrash and a senior research fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America, where she serves as lead faculty and consults on the content of lay and professional programs. A widely well-regarded thinker and teacher, Elana is passionate about bringing rabbinic thought into conversation with contemporary life. To this end, she hosts TEXTing, a bi-weekly podcast that considers issues relevant to Jewish life through the lens


Recorded at Judaism, Democracy, and the Ethics of Inclusion
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Despite the presentation of neat consensus within early Jewish judicial courts, the Torah recognizes the existence of the conscientious objector, the zaqen mamre, and the Rabbis note the significance of lo titgodedu, an injunction not to become fractious. In this session we will explore the contours of each of these examples of discord within Jewish policy-making and see which, if either, can offer a lens through which to think about the contemporary North American Jewish landscape regarding questions of inclusion and debate.

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