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SHI In The News – Summer 2011

Institute’s Engaging Israel Project receives positive mention from Jewish Week`s Gary Rosenblatt; Noam Zohar on Swedish radio regarding IVF

Jewish Week Editor Gary Rosenblatt devoted a recent column to a discussion of theproblem that “the number of Americans who care about the Jewish State in a more than superficial way is decreasing” and said that “there is a growing recognition among some American Jewish leaders that Israel advocacy is not enough because it provides answers to questions that most people aren’t asking. We need a fresh and creative approach.”
In discussing that need, he positively cited the Shalom Hartman Institute’s Engaging Israel Project , and called it “a thoughtful, sophisticated approach and recognizes that talk about Israel must maintain standards of pluralism, tolerance and morality held dear by American Jews.” Click here to read Rosenblatt’s entire column.
" Be Fruitful and Multiply " (Swedish Radio, Terje Carlsson, July 22, 2011)
SHI’s Noam Zohar discussed the Jewish biblical and legal issues surrounding in-vitro fertizilation practices as part of a Swedish radio program report on Israeli government policies on IVF. Click here to listen to the entire report. Note: the program is in Swedish. The Israelis interviewed, including Zohar (beginning at 4:00 into the 8-minute program), spoke in English.

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The End of Policy Substance in Israel Politics