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Shalom Hartman Institute Celebrates David Hartman at 80

Shalom Hartman Institute celebrated the 80th birthday of our founder and President Emeritus, Rabbi Prof. David Hartman, with two days of events. Now with video

Shalom Hartman Institute celebrated the 80th birthday of its founder and President Emeritus, Rabbi Prof. David Hartman , with two days of events for students, staff, friends, supporters and the general public on Nov. 23 and 24, 2011, at the Institute campus in Jerusalem.
The video below is a recording of the public evening in David Hartman’s honor on Nov. 24. The presentations, including talks by Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman, President of Shalom Hartman Institute, and others are in Hebrew. A version subtitled in English is in preparation.

More pictures and details will be posted in coming days.
Students from the Institute’s two high schools, the Charles E. Smith High School for Boys and the Midrashiya Girls High School , learned from the teachings of David Hartman and then met with him to talk about them.
Institute staff and scholars studied together with David Hartman.
Here he sits with Institute Fellows Dror Yinon (l), and Adam Afterman (r).
David Hartman with two of his children, Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman , President of Shalom Hartman Institute, and Dr. Tova Hartman

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