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Re-release of 2011 David Hartman Interview Includes New Material

The interview on NPR’s “On Being” has been re-released with material from the interview not included in the original broadcast

A widely praised 2011 interview of SHI Founder Rabbi Prof. David Hartman on the NPR program “On Being,” has been rereleased in February 2014 with additional material from the interview not included in the original broadcast.
The program was re-aired on the one-year anniversary of Rabbi Hartman’s death. "We remember his window into the unfolding of his tradition in the modern world — Judaism as a lens on the human condition."
In the revised version of the program, host and interviewer Krista Tippett said David Hartman “was a charismatic and unusual figure in Israeli society — an Orthodox rabbi who both loved and challenged traditional Judaism from the inside. He did this as a sacred obligation to his understanding of the core values Judaism brings into the world, for all of humanity. He became an activist for example, of the inclusion of women in Orthodox ritual and practice, seeing this not as a matter of or for women but about the character of the God one worships.”
In her original blog posting from September 2011, Tippett wrote: “What David Hartman offers is a window into intra-Israeli searching and struggles that drive news headlines from this part of the world, but are rarely heard in and for themselves. The effect of his presence is at once humanizing, uncomfortable, and revealing.”
The program, titled, “Hope in a Hopeless God,” is airing on NPR stations. It can be found online here , with audio links for both the original program and the entire interview with Rabbi Hartman. A transcript of the interview can be found here .

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