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Reshit Archives

Archives of the Academic Journal of the Shalom Hartman Institute

Volume 5 | 2021

Front Matter and Abstracts

Nurit Barnea Bernheim

“All God’s Mysteries He Encrypted in the Talmud”: On Shay Agnon’s Poetics of Halacha (Hebrew)

Moshe Idel

An Uknown Version of the Myth of the Fallen Angels (Hebrew)

The Chosen People – Examining the Idea of the Election of Israel

Introduction (Hebrew)

Mordechai Miller

“They no Longer Differentiate Between the Nation of Israel and Gentiles”: Rav Tzvi Israel Thau and His Battle Against Foreign Influences (Hebrew)

Oshri Zighelboim

“We Are a Unique People, Unlike Any Other”: The Discrete Perception as Reflected in School Anthologies (Hebrew)

Christoph Schmidt

Beyond the Contractions of Religion and Nationalism: On the Enduring Relevance of Hermann Cohen’s Criticism of Zionism and Its Unholy Alliance with Orthodoxy

Naomi Seidman

The End of the Story, and Other Adventures in American Jewish Apocalypse

Hebrew Front Matter

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The End of Policy Substance in Israel Politics