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New Paths Christians Engaging Israel Views the Pope’s Visit to Israel

The New Paths: Christians Engaging Israel Project at the Shalom Hartman Institute will be following the visit of Pope Francis in Israel from May 25-26 from its unique perspective with commentary, live tweets, and a live video feed from his public appearances

Pope Francis is visiting Jordan, the Palestinian Territories, and Israel from May 24-26, 2014. The New Paths: Christians Engaging Israel Project at the Shalom Hartman Institute will be following the Pontiff’s visit from its unique perspective with commentary, live tweets, and more, including a live video feed (see video player below) from his public appearances in Israel.
Read articles about the pope’s historic visit by New Paths Co-Director Marcie Lenk (coming Sunday, May 25) and New Paths Advisory Committee Member Gabriel Rochelle , an Orthodox priest from New Mexico.
GABRIEL ROCHELLE: Musings on the Papal Visit to Israel
Jerusalem is the symbol of home for Christians of all backgrounds, along with its cardinal significance for Jews and Muslims. Just as these two men are world leaders of Christianity, so is Jerusalem the world leader among cities revered by all Christian traditions. The meeting of the Pope and the Patriarch in Jerusalem is a symbol that neither Rome nor Istanbul takes precedence over the City of Zion. Istanbul and Rome hold particular holiness in the minds of Orthodox and Roman Catholic Christians as historic centers, but both bow before Jerusalem, the unique and unitary symbol of the Holy for all Christians.

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