/ articles for review

Israel Independence Day 62: Time for Reflection

Israel turns 62 on 5 Iyyar, 5770 (celebrated Tuesday, April 20, 2010), and the anniversary is an apt time to reflect on the country’s current situation, its past and its future

Israel turns 62 on 5 Iyyar, 5770 (celebrated Tuesday, April 20, 2010), and the anniversary is an apt time to reflect on the country’s current situation, its past and its future. Below you will find a collection of articles and essays about Israel that will provide food for thought as Israel celebrates Yom Ha’atzmaut.

David Hartman  


Donniel Hartman




Editor’s note: As usual in our special holiday presentations, the artwork is by Arthur Szyk , and is presented here courtesy of Historicana , the gallery that represents Szyk’s multifaceted artwork. 


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