The Shalom Hartman Institute has opened the new Leanor and Alvin C. Segal Library and Mandel Beit Midrash after five months of redevelopment.
The library, in a larger location within the Hartman Institute campus, can now house the Institute’s entire book collection. The collection numbers more than 40,000 books on a range of Judaic studies topics, as well as numerous academic journals.
This collection has recently been augmented by 10,000 books after a recent donation by Prof. Shmaryahu Talmon. Most of the titles are on Bible study. Prof. Talmon won the Israel Prize in 1997 for Bible Studies, and is Professor Emeritus at the Hebrew University’s Department of Bible.
The collection also includes books from the estate of Prof. Eliezer Goldman , one of the most important thinkers and scholars of his day.
Not only is the library a rich resource for the scholarly work of the Institute, it is also a dynamic area for research and study. Indeed, 16 workstations, located at the hub the library, have been made available to Hartman’s younger scholars.
Orly Biran, Hartman Institute Information Specialist, presides over the library’s activity and welcomes queries about the new library.
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