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Busy November under way at Hartman Boys High School

Shalom Hartman Institute Charles E. Smith Boys High School is now under way with winter social and community programming


After Tishrei, a month full of holidays and other enrichment activities, the Shalom Hartman Institute Charles E. Smith Boys’ High School is now under way with its winter social and community programming.
On Heshvan1 2 (Nov. 10), the 13th anniversary of Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination, panels will be held discussing the theme, "Democracy and a Clash of Values." One panel will be led by a founder of the Movement for Quality Government, while another will be led by Rabbi Eliezer Melamed.
The annual trip to Poland will also take place during November, with 12th grade students traveling through Polish cities and death camps, learning first hand about the horrors of the Holocaust. Other grades will also participate in trips, to nearer locales, in the framework of the "shelach" program, which takes youth on field tips, while teaching values and life lessons.
In the social activism realm, the pupils, having recently participated in fundraising for the Israeli Cancer Foundation, will also collect money for "Elem," the organization for youth in distress. "Elem" will conduct seminars in the school, teaching students how to identify signs of distress and how to seek help.

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