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A new beat for ‘Let My People Go’

Josh Zweiback, member of the Rabbinic Leadership Initiative, rocks the house with his band Mah Tovu`s rendition of the Pesach story
Rabbi Josh Zweiback, Year In Israel Program, HUC-JIR, Jerusalem Links: MySpace page of Mah Tovu, Josh Zweiback’s Jewish folk-rock group. Mah Tovu homepage Below: Video of Mah Tovu performing “Sim Shalom”



By Josh Zweiback


You may recognize the tune – especially if you are a Baby Boomer -, but the words are new in this rendition of "Pharaoh, Pharaoh," in front of a large and enthusiastic crowd by Mah Tovu, the Jewish folk-rock band led by Rabbi Josh Zweiback, a participant in the Shalom Hartman Institute’s Rabbinic Leadership Initiative.

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