/ Created Equal Project

Women’s Rabbinic Leadership Study Mission

Nearly 20 women rabbis from across North America, representing all the major denominations, spent a week in Israel in December 2016 studying moral leadership and Jewish identity while exploring the unique challenges and opportunities they face as female Jewish leaders.

The rabbis studied with Hartman scholars about a wide-range of subjects, including feminism, leadership in difficult times, Israeli Jewish identity, and Israel as a Jewish and democratic state. Participants spent an afternoon with graduates of the Beit Midrash for New Israeli Rabbis, where they studied Talmud together and dialogued about issues of rabbinic power and authority.

Following the trip, participants are currently studying the Created Equal curriculum through six distance learning sessions with Created Equal faculty during the spring of 2017.

The study mission, run in conjunction with Makor Educational Journeys, included tiyulim in Jerusalem, Lod, and Tel Aviv that exposed participants to the place of other religions in Jerusalem, the experiences of Israeli-Arab citizens, the plight of African refugees in Israel, and the flourishing of secular Israeli culture.

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