/ Rabbinic Torah Seminar (RTS)

Torah in a Time of Plague: Contemporary and Historical Jewish Reflections

What is the Torah of this moment that can help us begin anew?
Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler is a former faculty member at the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America. She is also the Dean of Students and the Director of Spiritual Development at Yeshivat Maharat, where she teaches Hasidism and Pastoral Torah, and a faculty member at the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. Erin earned both her PhD and MA from the University of Chicago’s Committee on Social Thought, and her BA from Harvard University. She was

Torah in a Time of Plague: Contemporary and Historical Jewish Reflections

The Jewish tradition has held and healed the Jewish people for centuries. As we emerge from “unprecedented” times, there is wisdom in locating ourselves in precedent, in stories of plague –biblical, contemporary, and in between — in an effort to meaningfully find our way through.

In this workshop, Erin Leib Smokler, editor of the recently published book, Torah in a Time of Plague, explores a treasure of theological, philosophical, literary, and liturgical responses to this tumultuous period. What is the Torah of this moment that can help us begin anew?

NOTE: This program was part of our Summer 2021 Virtual Rabbinic Torah Seminar,  Torah of Possibility for an Uncertain Future

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