/ Truth Difference and Loyalty

The Blessing of Difference: A Christian Theologian Reads Mishnah Avot

Christian theological engagement with rabbinic literature yields new questions about the relationship between Israel and the Church, and the significance of Torah for Christians.
Daniel Joslyn-Siemiatkoski

Daniel Joslyn-Siemiatkoski

Daniel Joslyn-Siemiatkoski

Alumnus of Hartman’s Christian Leadership Initiative, The Rev. Daniel Joslyn-Siemiatkoski, PhD, discusses his book, The More Torah, The More Life, a Christian commentary on Mishnah Avot. Using the musical metaphor of resonance, Dan’s book shows how a Christian theological engagement with rabbinic literature yields new questions concerning the nature of Jesus Christ, the relationship between Israel and the Church, and the significance of Torah for Christians. Learn about Dan’s work in advancing Christian engagement with Judaism as an area of concern in Christian thought and practice, and his interfaith initiatives in Austin, TX to undo anti-Judaism and antisemitism.

This program was recorded during our interfaith symposium on Truth, Difference and Loyalty in February 2021.

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