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The Day After Tisha B’Av

Victory is not about the defeat of our enemies — though that is a necessary component of any long term strategy. It is about what we build.
Dr. Tal Becker is a Vice President and Senior Faculty of the Kogod Research Center at Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, where he leads educational initiatives on Israel and the Jewish world. In this capacity, he is a leading member of the Institute’s iEngage research seminar which produces the premier educational program on Israel engagement in North America, working to strengthen and re-imagine the relationship between Israel and World Jewry. Dr. Becker served, until recently,

“Nine days in Av. Our enemies do not only wish for our destruction. They pursue it. They want these days to echo for us through Jewish history as days of mourning and hurban, destruction. They see themselves as the modern incarnations of those who have hated the Jews through time and sought their ultimate demise. They revel in it. They define themselves by it. And their societies rot because of it.

In seeking to repeat history, they have forgotten it. We are not, as Menachem Begin said, the Jews with trembling knees. We are a nation of lions. And they forget that each force that has sought our destruction has, in turn, ended up in the dustbin of history.

What will determine these days is not what our enemies plan, but our response to it. And three components of that response will be key.”

Read Tal Becker’s full op ed on Times of Israel.

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