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Shavuot learning at Hartman Institute to focus on religious meaning of revelation

Shavuot learning at Shalom Hartman Institute Sunday, June 8, 2008, and Monday, June 9, 2008, will include lectures in English and in Hebrew from top Institute scholars, including Co-Directors Rabbi Prof. David Hartman and Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman


Shavuot learning at Shalom Hartman Institute Sunday, June 8, 2008, and Monday, June 9, 2008, will include lectures in English and in Hebrew from top Institute scholars, including Co-Directors Rabbi Prof. David Hartman and Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman, as well as Institute Fellows Ishay Rosen-Zvi , Dr. Alick Isaacs , Dr. Shlomo Naeh , and others, including guest lecturers such as Meshael Zion and Avigail Bamberger.

English lectures are listed below, with Hebrew lectures shown below that. The Hebrew list also includes the titles of the English lectures.
Shavuot Evening
23:30-23:45 – Rabbi Professor David Hartman: "The Child-Parent Relationship and its    Implications for Understanding the First Commandment"
00:00-01:00 – Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman: "The Revelation of God’s Will: The Narrative of Mitzvah                                                                                                         
Shavuot Day
17:00-18:00 Dr. Alick Isaacs: “What was Concealed by the Revelation at Sinai?"                                                                                                                             

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