/ All Together Now: Jewish Ideas for this Moment

All Together Now: Jewish Ideas for this Moment

Hartman Summer@Home 2020

From June 29 through July 23, 2020, in an unprecedented, free, month-long celebration of Jewish ideas, over 60 of our scholars from Israel and North America addressed questions about citizenship, moral responsibilities and spiritual sustenance in a time of darkness and loss. Through lectures, discussions and seminars, we considered the meaning of home and the transformation that we can shape out of this crisis.

The Jewish people are facing important questions about citizenship, nationalism, democracy, and the societies in which we live. COVID-19 has already reshaped our attitudes about collective community, and is also raising issues of theology, spirituality and social responsibility. 

Click here for a playlist of select sessions

Jewish Learning is Guided by Questions

Here are some that drove our learning this summer:

  1. What are our moral priorities and responsibilities in a time of crisis?
  2. Where can we find spiritual sustenance in this time of loss?
  3. How is the meaning of ‘home’ changing?
  4. How does transformation emerge in a time of pandemic, disruption, and catastrophe?

During All Together Now we threw open the doors of our Beit Midrash so that the Jewish people could engage with these challenges together through lectures, webinars, panels, classes, and study groups.

Videos, Podcasts and Articles

Sep 10, 2020

High school junior Talia Bodner’s original slam poem on Sarah’s experience at the Akedah.

Sep 4, 2020

Two emerging Jewish teen leaders from the Detroit area write about their summer experience with the Hartman Institute

Aug 7, 2020

Dan Friedman, Maya Gamer, Tyler Johnson, Talia Levin

With the cancellation of camps across North America and the world this summer, Hartman pulled together a pilot program for teens suddenly out of options.

Jul 23, 2020

Gordon Tucker explores the final passage in this iconic and challenging prayer on the Days of Awe.

Jul 23, 2020

Craving connection and with time on their hands, Jews have been attending online courses with intense devotion.

Jul 22, 2020

America finds itself in a moral crisis concerning questions of race, power, and political leadership. Can we respond in a way that is pluralistic?

Jul 22, 2020

Dani Segal explores the individual and communal aspects of the Yom Kippur prayers.

Jul 21, 2020

Yehuda Kurtzer, Dani Dayan

Outgoing Consul General of Israel in NY Dani Dayan reflects on his tenure and the state of American Judaism in conversation with Yehuda Kurtzer.

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