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2017 Jewish Funders Network International Conference

Yehuda Kurtzer leads a plenary session on the transformative state of the Jewish community.
Dr. Yehuda Kurtzer is president of the Shalom Hartman Institute. Yehuda is a leading thinker on the essential questions facing contemporary Jewish life, with a focus on issues of Jewish peoplehood and Zionism, the relationship between history and memory, and questions of leadership and change in the Jewish community. He is the author of Shuva: The Future of the Jewish Past, the co-editor of  The New Jewish Canon, the host of the Identity/Crisis podcast, and

2017 Jewish Funders Network International Conference

Yehuda Kurtzer leads a plenary session touching on the transformative state of the Jewish community over the past 30 years and what the response should be today.

March 21, 2017
Atlanta, GA

The Jewish Funders Network International Conference is the marquee annual event for Jewish philanthropy.

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The End of Policy Substance in Israel Politics