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Sabath Beit-Halachmi

Rabbi Dr. Rachel Sabath Beit-Halachmiis the Inaugural Senior Rabbi of Har Sinai-Oheb Shalom Congregation in Baltimore, MD. She is a well-known rabbi, speaker, author, teacher and institutional leader. Ordained at HUC-JIR in New York, Rabbi Sabath also earned a Ph.D. at the Jewish Theological Seminary.
Deeply committed to pluralism, Rabbi Sabath has served congregations in the Reform movement, the Conservative movement and non-denominational synagogues including Shirat HaYam on Nantucket Island for over a decade. She also serves as a senior scholar of the Kaplan Center for Jewish Peoplehood. While serving as Assistant Professor of Jewish Thought and Ethics at Hebrew Union College (HUC), Rabbi Sabath also led a four-campus team to achieve strategic goals in leadership development and recruitment. Prior to her national role at HUC, Rabbi Sabath served as Vice President of the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem.

Rachel Sabath Beit-Halachmi


Feb 6, 2015

Even if one could get away with something unethical, with deceiving another person, it is incorrect, improper, barbaric and desecrates God's name

Aug 22, 2014

Too many families are in mourning for those they have lost, and too many innocent people have lost their lives

Jul 10, 2014

Vengeful killings only continue a state of continuous cycle and spirit of enmity and violence

Jun 13, 2014

When the Jewish people have great leadership, times of great uncertainty have become times of opportunity and transformation

May 16, 2014

Every culture measures time in particular ways, but Judaism teaches us to constantly reframe it

Apr 18, 2014

How we remember our history ultimately determines our moral identity

Mar 25, 2014

Judaism is only one source of meaning in this world- theology guides us

Jan 31, 2014

The possibility of self-correction was what Rabbi Prof. David Hartman z"l thought was so religiously exciting about Israel

Dec 27, 2013

Faith, in the biblical sense, seems to be as much about getting and giving God our full attention as it is about anything else

Dec 1, 2013

Whether it is the religious other, stranger, immigrant, differently colored or sexually oriented from whatever “norm,” these struggles ultimately define its morality

Nov 7, 2013

Courageous leadership for our time in the face of an ever-worrying people

Sep 12, 2013

Talmud can give insights into why one resists giving, as well as mechanisms to overcome those resistances

Aug 8, 2013

The Hebrew month of Elul presents us with the enormous possibilities of teshuva, or repentance

Jun 27, 2013

Religious Pluralism in Israel – Women of the Wall - Panel Discussion featuring Anat Hoffman and Liora Bachor, moderated by Rabbi Dr. Rachel Sabath Beit-Halachmi at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, June 27, 2013

Jun 14, 2013

Ritual can give us new spiritual life and cleanse us in the most profound ways

May 17, 2013


What kind of prayer does God want to hear?

Apr 24, 2013

Counting of the days could become a new ritual connecting our past to dreams of the future

Apr 11, 2013

By preventing women from praying there and confiscating their prayer shawls, the Israeli government is risking the alienation of thousands of otherwise very committed Jews to the State of Israel

Mar 27, 2013

Even before we knew freedom, we learned what only slavery can confirm: desire and hope are inextinguishable forces

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The End of Policy Substance in Israel Politics