/ Identity/Crisis Podcast


No. 58: How to Lose Without Violence

Joel Braunold and Yehuda Kurtzer discuss the most uncomfortable truth about peace - that it almost always involves giving something up.
Yehuda Kurtzer, Joel Braunold
Dr. Yehuda Kurtzer is president of the Shalom Hartman Institute. Yehuda is a leading thinker on the essential questions facing contemporary Jewish life, with a focus on issues of Jewish peoplehood and Zionism, the relationship between history and memory, and questions of leadership and change in the Jewish community. He is the author of Shuva: The Future of the Jewish Past, the co-editor of  The New Jewish Canon, the host of the Identity/Crisis podcast, and

Joel Braunold

Joel Braunold (S. Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace) joins Yehuda Kurtzer to talk about peacemaking in the Middle East: its preconditions, the person-to-person work that might enable it, and the uncomfortable truth that “peace” might mean – for everyone – “to agree to lose non-violently.”

Identity/Crisis: The Ideas Behind the News is a podcast of the Shalom Hartman Institute.

A transcript of this episode is available here.

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Launched in early 2020, Identity/Crisis is a weekly roundtable podcast that explores the ideas behind the news hosted by Shalom Hartman Institute of North America President Yehuda Kurtzer. Episodes cover a wide range of topics and feature experts and content related to news and current events.

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