/ Ideas for Today

Jewish Peoplehood

Ne’emanut: Placing Relationships at the Center

A Sources Journal Talkback with Mijal Bitton, Daniel May, and Joe Schwartz
Rabbi Joe Schwartz is a Rabbinic Fellow of the David Hartman Center, and served for three years as Rabbi of the Conservative Synagogue of Fifth Avenue, a small, traditional-egalitarian synagogue in Greenwich Village. Joe is now working on the creation of IDRA, a house of culture, learning and coffee in Brooklyn that is a new-old model for the Jewish and Jewish-adjacent and Jewish-curious community. IDRA aims to restore the café and its ethos to the heart of

Mijal Bitton

Daniel May

How should American Jews approach their relationship with Israel? Ne’emanut is an ethical orientation proposed by Shalom Hartman Institute Scholar in Residence Mijal Bitton that emphasizes the importance of relationships – over and above ideologies – in shaping moral good. She argues that Ne’emanut should guide the commitments of American Jews to Israel.

Hartman Fellow and Jewish Currents publisher Daniel May and Hartman Rabbinic Fellow and Makom director Joseph Schwartz respond to Bitton’s thesis and interrogate it from different political perspectives. Together, they examined alternate approaches to understand the connections between North American Jews and Israel.

This class is based on Mijal Bitton’s article Ne’emanut: Placing Relationships at the Center in Sources: A Journal of Jewish Ideas from the Shalom Hartman Institute.

This program is part of Ideas for Today, curated courses by Hartman Institute scholars on the big Jewish ideas we need to think better and do better.

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