/ Campus and Student Programs

Navigating Gen Z Israel Conversations

Working with college students on Israel conversations can be fraught, but it can also be transformative.
Shalom Hartman Institute
Shalom Hartman Institute
Avigail Schneiman is the Associate Director of the College Student Network at Shalom Hartman Institute of North America. In this role she is responsible for cultivating and sustaining relationships with alumni and participants in our rapidly expanding suite of programs for college-aged students. Avigail has been working at Columbia Hillel and in the Jewish non-profit world since graduating from the University of Pittsburgh. She is a graduate of The Silver School of Social Work at

“There is consensus on very few issues in the Jewish community these days, but one thing we all seem to agree on is that educating the next generation about Israel is a top priority. As a recent college student myself, and now student relationship coordinator at the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America responsible for working with Gen Z college students, I’ve learned how to structure important Israel conversations for emerging Jewish leaders so that they are personally relevant and nurture lasting connections.”

Read the full op-ed on EJewish Philanthropy

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