/ Truth Difference and Loyalty

How Zionism Shapes Interfaith Conversations

How does Zionism inform, complicate, and challenge the interfaith encounter?
Imam Abdullah Antepli is a Fellow on Jewish-Muslim Relations at the Shalom Hartman Institute and Co-Director of the Muslim Leadership Initiative. He is on the faculty at both Duke University’s Sanford School of Public Policy and Duke Divinity School, where from 2008–2014 he served as the university’s first Muslim chaplain, one of only a handful of full-time Muslim chaplains at U.S. colleges and universities. He was recently recognized as one of the most influential Muslims

Shira Koch Epstein

Jay Phelan

How does Zionism inform, complicate, and challenge the interfaith encounter? What role do theology and politics play when it comes to commitments and disagreements around Zionism in Muslim, Christian and Jewish spheres? Imam Abdullah Antepli, Dr. Jay Phelan, and Rabbi Shira Koch Epstein discuss what has been instructive and what has been hard in engaging with Zionism both within and between faith communities.

This program was recorded during our interfaith symposium on Truth, Difference and Loyalty in February 2021.

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