LECTURE 1: From Crisis to Covenant
2. David Hartman: The Significance of Israel for the Future of Judaism
3. Donniel Hartman: Engaging Israel: Beyond Advocacy
4. Donniel Hartman: The New Rules of Engagement
LECTURE 2: Religion and Peoplehood
14. Steven Cohen & Jack Wertheimer: Whatever Happened to the Jewish People
15. Joseph Soloveitchik: Kol Dodi Dofek: It Is the Voice of My Beloved That Knocketh
LECTURE 3: Sovereignty and Identity
20. David Ben Gurion: The Imperatives of the Jewish Revolution
21. Eliezer Berkovits: On the Return to Jewish National Life
LECTURE 4: Power and Powerlessness
16. Abraham Joshua Heschel: No Time for Neutrality
17. Ruth Wisse: The Contradictions of Jewish Power
LECTURE 5: War and Occupation
15. David Hartman: Living with Conflicting Values
16. Noam Zohar: War and Peace
17. Michael Walzer: Just and Unjust Wars
LECTURE 6: Morality on the Battlefield
2. Donniel Hartman: Fighting a Just War against Hamas Justly
LECTURE 7: Jewish and Democratic State
11. Alexander Yakobson: Jewish Peoplehood and the Jewish State, How Unique? A Comparative Survey
12. Ruth Gavison: The Jewish State, A Justification
13. Menachem Lorberbaum: Religion and State in Israel
LECTURE 8: Religious Pluralism and Human Rights
12-18. Various Sources
19. David Hartman: Israel’s Responsibility for World Jewry: Reflections on Debate about the Conversion Law
20. Moshe Halbertal: Human Rights and Membership Rights in the Jewish Tradition
LECTURE 9: Values Nation
12. Martin Buber: The Spiritual Center
13. Martin Buber: The Zionist Idea
14. David Hartman: Widening the Scope of Covenantal Consciousness
15. David Hartman: The Third Jewish Commonwealth
16. Daniel Elazar: The Peace Process and the Jewishness of the Jewish State
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