The six-part iEngage "Major Challenges Facing Israel through a Jewish Values-Based Lens" Webinar series, launched in November 2011,concluded on April 30 with a special discussion between SHI President Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman and Dr. Tal Becker on the state of the State of Israel as it turned 64. Nearly 400 people tuned in for the live session.
Hosted by SHI fellow and iEngage team member Dr. Tal Becker, the six episodes in the series drew more than 2,000 viewers eager to hear an iEngage perspective on current events. Click on the links below to watch recorded versions of previous Webinars.
A survey conducted of Webinar viewers has brought in uniformly positive results, with more than 80% of respondents saying that the programs addressed their concerns and answered questions they have about Israel. An even higher percentage said that the programs helped them understand better the complexities in Israel’s social and security issues.
Survey respondents offered a variety of positive suggestions for the upcoming Fall Webinar series in the areas of subjects they would like to see addressed. Stay tuned for more information on the second Webinar series, planned for 2012-2013. Click on the links below to view recordings of the six sessions.