Shalom Hartman Institute Founder Rabbi Prof. David Hartman z”l was a leading thinker of contemporary Judaism and an internationally renowned author. On his 10th yahrzeit, we remember his many contributions to Jewish philosophy, peoplehood, and the State of Israel. Join David Hartman’s family and friends live from the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem for two sessions:
צידה לדרך | Food for Thought
9:00-10:00 AM ET
Donniel Hartman, Tova Hartman, Renana Ravitsky Pilzer, and Rani Jaeger reflect on the most significant ideas David Hartman imparted, which they still carry with them. This session will be in Hebrew with English subtitles.
אבני דרך | Milestones
10:10 – 11:00 AM ET
Avital Hochstein, Shalom Hartman Institute teaching faculty, will lead a discussion inspired by David Hartman’s teaching on the unique place of feminists in the beit midrash. This session will be in English.
This program is part of Ideas for Today, curated courses by Hartman Institute scholars on the big Jewish ideas we need to think better and do better.
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