/ Rabbinic Torah Seminar (RTS)

A Time to Mourn and a Time to Heal: A Personal and Musical Journey to and from October 7th

Rani Jaeger, Orel Oshrat, Amir Israel, Yael Jaeger
Dr. Rani Jaeger is a Research Fellow of the Kogod Research Center and founder of Tanakh Initiative at the Shalom Hartman Institute, where he currently leads the  Tanakh Initiative Alumni Network. He was also one of the founders of the Institute’s Be’eri Program for Pluralistic Jewish-Israeli Identity Education. Rani received his doctorate from Bar-Ilan University on Jewish-Israeli culture as perceived by the poet Avraham Shlonsky. He was a participant in the first cohort of the Beit Midrash

Orel Oshrat

Amir Israel

Yael Jaeger

Rani Jaeger and Orel Oshrat – keyboard, Amir Israel – oud, Yael Jaeger – singer at the Shalom Hartman Institute on July 17, 2024

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